There is just not enough time in the day to spend it searching for a decent collection of porn videos, especially considering that the very best HD porn is hiding right in plain sight. If you can get over the notion that free porn is the best porn, then you will truly begin to realize what you’ve been missing out on all these years.
Free Porn Sites
The simple truth is that hosting videos on the internet is expensive. This is why free porn sites usually limit the size of their videos. One way they do this is by limiting full videos to only a few minutes. Another thing they do is reduce the size of the files by reducing the video quality of each clip. As you can imagine, a 1080p porn video takes up a lot less space than a grainy, pixelated one. So even though a lot of tube sites advertise that they have free HD porn videos, the quality is never actually as good as the original films.
The other way free porn sites try to overcome their costs is by trying to get you to click on ads. As you’ve surely noticed, this can be extremely annoying. And many free sites and their advertisers even intentionally try to deceive people into going to the sites they’re promoting. It’s a simple formula, the more people they can direct to their sponsors, the more money they can make.
Paid Porn Memberships
Premium porn sites use an entirely different strategy. Firstly, they actually create their own content instead of just taking it from other sites. This means that they only put high-quality content on their sites because their own reputation is on the line, and they know that any viewers who are paying for porn only want to see the best porn videos available. Of course, they also want to make sure members are able to see that content in the best video quality possible because everything looks better in high-definition. Plus, many of the most popular porn membership networks are now allowing members to download any of their scenes in a variety of video formats.
But paying for porn doesn’t only mean that you can stream or download the best porn videos and original content. It also means that everything is waiting for you in one convenient spot, and you’ll no longer be annoyed by ads or annoying pop-up windows like you do on free porn sites. This saves a surprising amount of time and also protects you from various viruses and malware that you are likely to find hidden inside a lot of sketchy websites. Porn membership networks want your business, and they will do the best they can to provide you with plenty of incentives to stick around.
So if you’re sick of having free porn sites trying to manipulate you into clicking on the wrong things just so that you can watch shortened low-resolution videos, it’s probably time to see what the best porn videos actually look like the way they were meant to be seen. Whether you’re paying a modest monthly subscription fee to a reputable porn network or paying with your time and aggravation in an effort to find videos that are “good enough,” you’re still paying for porn. So you might as well do it right and get what you really want.